Changing colors?

Changing colors?

Colors can be enabled/disabled and set using via the is_colorized and colors options to the DefaultHandler.

julia> push!(logger, DefaultHandler(
    stdout, DefaultFormatter(),
    Dict{Symbol, Any}(:is_colorized => true))

will create a DefaultHandler with colorization.

By default the following colors are used:

Dict{AbstractString, Symbol}(
    "trace" => :normal,
    "debug" => :blue,
    "info" => :green,
    "notice" => :cyan,
    "warn" => :magenta,
    "error" => :red,
    "critical" => :yellow,
    "alert" => :white,
    "emergency" => :black,

However, you can specify custom colors/log levels like so:

push!(logger, DefaultHandler(
    stdout, DefaultFormatter(),
    Dict{Symbol, Any}(
        :colors => Dict{AbstractString, Symbol}(
            "trace" => :magenta,
            "debug" => :black,
            "info" => :blue,
            "warn" => :yellow,
            "error" => :red,
            "panic" => :green,

You can also globally disable colorization when running Memento.config!

julia> Memento.config!("info"; fmt="[{date} | {level} | {name}]: {msg}", colorized=false)