

A Logger is the primary component you use to send formatted log messages to various IO outputs. This type holds information needed to manage the process of creating and storing logs. There is a default "root" logger stored in const _loggers inside the Memento module. Since Memento implements hierarchical logging you should define child loggers that can be configured independently and better describe the individual components within your code. To create a new logger for you code it is recommended to do getlogger(@__MODULE__).

julia> logger = getlogger(@__MODULE__)

Log messages are brought to different output streams by Handlers. From here you can add and remove handlers. To add a handler that writes to rotating log files, simply:

julia> push!(logger, DefaultHandler("mylogfile.log"))

Now there is a handler named "file-logging", and it will write all of your logs to mylogfile.log. Your logs will still show up in the console, however, because by default there is a handler named "console" already hard at work.

The operations presented here will only apply to the current logger, leaving existing loggers (e.g., Logger(root)) unaffected. However, any child loggers of Logger(Main) (e.g., Logger(Main.Foo) will have both the "console" and "file-logging" handlers available to it.

We can also set the level and Record type for our logger.

julia> setlevel!(logger, "warn")

Now we won't log any messages with this logger unless they are at least warning messages.

julia> setrecord!(logger, MyRecord)

Now our logger will call create MyRecords instead of DefaultRecords