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Getting Started

Nabla.jl has two interfaces, both of which we expose to the end user. We first provide a minimal working example with the high-level interface, and subsequently show how the low-level interface can be used to achieve similar results. More involved examples can be found here.

A Toy Problem

Consider the gradient of a vector-quadratic function. The following code snippet constructs such a function, and inputs x and y.

using Nabla

# Generate some data.
rng, N = MersenneTwister(123456), 2
x, y = randn.(rng, [N, N])
A = randn(rng, N, N)

# Construct a vector-quadratic function in `x` and `y`.
f(x, y) = y' * (A * x)
f(x, y)

Only a small amount of matrix calculus is required to the find the gradient of f(x, y) w.r.t. x and y, which we denote by ∇x and ∇y respectively, to be

(∇x, ∇y) = (A'y, A * x)

High-Level Interface

The high-level interface provides a simple way to "just get the gradients" w.r.t. each argument of f:

∇x, ∇y = ∇(f)(x, y)

This interface is implemented in core.jl, and is a thin wrapper of the low-level interface constructed above. Here, we first use to get a function which, when evaluated, returns the gradient of f w.r.t. each of it's inputs at the values of the inputs provided.

We may provide an optional argument to also return the value f(x, y):

(z, (∇x, ∇y)) = ∇(f; get_output=true)(x, y)

If the gradient w.r.t. a single argument is all that is required, or a subset of the arguments for an N-ary function, we recommend closing over the arguments which respect to which you do not wish to take gradients. For example, to take the gradient w.r.t. just x, one could do the following:

∇(x->f(x, y))(x)

Note that this returns a 1-tuple containing the result, not the result itself!

Furthermore, indexable containers such as Dicts behave sensibly. For example, the following lambda with a Dict:

∇(d->f(d[:x], d[:y]))(Dict(:x=>x, :y=>y))

or a Vector:

∇(v->f(v[1], v[2]))([x, y])

The methods considered so far have been completely generically typed. If one wishes to use methods whose argument types are restricted then one must surround the definition of the method in the @unionise macro. For example, if only a single definition is required:

@unionise g(x::Real) = ...

Alternatively, if multiple methods / functions are to be defined, the following format is recommended:

@unionise begin
g(x::Real) = ...
g(x::T, y::T) where T<:Real = ...
foo(x) = ... # This definition is unaffected by `@unionise`.

@unionise simply changes the method signature to allow each argument to accept the union of the types specified and Nabla.jl's internal Node type. This will have no impact on the performance of your code when arguments of the types specified in the definition are provided, so you can safely @unionise code without worrying about potential performance implications.

Low-Level Interface

We now use Nabla.jl's low-level interface to take the gradient of f w.r.t. x and y at the values of x and y generated above. We first place x and y into a Leaf container. This enables these variables to be traced by Nabla.jl. This can be achieved by first creating a Tape object, onto which all computations involving x and y are recorded, as follows:

tape = Tape()
x_ = Leaf(tape, x)
y_ = Leaf(tape, y)

which can be achieved more concisely using Julia's broadcasting capabilities:

x_, y_ = Leaf.(Tape(), (x, y))

Note that it is critical that x_ and y_ are constructed using the same Tape instance. Currently, Nabla.jl will fail silently if this is not the case. We then simply pass x_ and y_ to f instead of x and y:

z_ = f(x_, y_)

We can compute the gradients of z_ w.r.t. x_ and y_ using , and access them by indexing the output with x_ and y_:

∇z = ∇(z_)
(∇x, ∇y) = (∇z[x_], ∇z[y_])

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